Art is in my DNA. My grandfather painted murals in churches in Russia, and several family members are artists of varying sorts. Although discouraged for decades by critical statements from a painting professor at university, I started painting some years ago for fun. Like one of my child client’s might, I found the experience freeing and cathartic. As a playful meditation, I get lost in the colors I’m mixing and creating. Now I incorporate my passion for travel and am inspired to paint from photos I’ve taken that touch my heart. My love of art, meditation, travel, and psychology mesh here. With children and teens, we delve into the mystical world of imagination and intuition. Using tools of art, meditation, mindfulness, and imagery, my kids connect to their true self, not the mask they often show the world. Our goal is to heal the damage that has been inflicted upon them by their inner and outer worlds. Within the safe heart-felt space of my office (and sometimes still via tele-therapy) kids develop self-compassion, empathy, and intuition, helping to create a more positive future. Seeing from the heart’s eye brings out the artist in most. Whether in drawing, painting, or writing, art has a significant presence in our sessions – as it does in my personal life for my own health and healing.

Mont St. Victoire #2
(Acrylic on Canvas, 12" x 16") 

Standing in front of Mont Sainte-Victoire, I was in awe. Meditating, I felt the power and energy of this mountain in Provence that Cezanne painted 87 times. I have been meditating and connecting with energies in nature over 35 years and rarely felt so deeply. When I work with kids and teens, in their learning to profoundly connect within, the heart of our work is imagination and meditation. The feelings evoked by this painting experience remind me of one of the guided mediations, Climbing a Mountain of Success, that I created for my patients and later recorded to help them heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Both art and nature are a perfect way to begin. Likely I will return to this mountain, in person and in painting, throughout my lifetime.



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