Dr. Berlin is a licensed psychologist and psychoanalyst, a faculty member at ICPLA, where she conducts advanced graduate seminars in Relational Theory, a guest editor for the journal Psychoanalytic Inquiry, where she is editing a journal on sexuality and gender, and an associate editor for the journal Psychoanalysis, Self and Context. 

Dr. Berlin is integrative and works from within a safe relational framework, in a collaborative and interactive manner. She is egalitarian and contextual in her approach to psychoanalytic theory and practice and emphasizes developmental relational traumatic self-states, creative openings, play and humor.

(Acrylic on Canvas 10" x 8") 

Talking to Mabelle,

multiple self-states spin,

one slows down, one winds up. 

She shines a light, spins a web

lost in darkness

Dizzy (Roe, T. 1969)

I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning

Like a whirlpool, it never ends

And it's you, girl, making it spin

You're making me dizzy

When I talk with you, Mabelle, you change on a dime

It's so hard with threats and judgements all the time

I want you for my friend

Yet you’re playing dreidel dreidel dreidel, and I’m not made out of clay.

So, when I’m fine and ready, dreidel we shall play (Goldfarb, S. 1927)

I told you how I felt, and you responded to someone else.

Is it me or not me that you see

Ears full of Mabelle, buzzing bees.

'Cause I'm so dizzy, my brain is weak

I want to while reluctant to speak


I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning

Like a whirlpool, it never ends

And it's you, girl, making it spin

You're making me dizzy


