Kristy Loxton, MA

I’m a humanistic psychologist interested in the therapeutic potential of psychedelic medicine and the healing power of art. I have a deep interest in the research of children who remember past lives. I think dreams can have profound meaning, and I explore mine and teach my daughter to pay attention to hers too. I think a lot of our problems could be solved by a greater sense of community. I try to raise awareness of different social issues in my art, but sometimes I just let the paint guide me. I rarely have a plan when I start the creative process, and that happens to be a pretty good metaphor for how I’ve lived my life.

“The Conduit for Eternal Love”
(Oil paints on black stretched canvas, 18 x 24”) 

On a spiritual journey, I was shown the connection of love, in a physical form. It is a conduit, and a channel to something infinite and ecstatic. It is always moving and transforming, but it is always available, even within the darkest void. A conduit implies that it can be turned on and off, so it is up to us to light the switch, as the panacea to the brutality and evil of this world.



