Kathryn LaFevers Evans, Three Eagles, holds a BA in Comparative Literature & Research in Consciousness from MIU Maharishi International University, and an MA in Literature & Writing Studies from CSUSM California State University San Marcos.

Three Eagles studied esoteric world religions and yoga philosophy for 17 years with a private teacher in Santa Barbara. She is retired adjunct faculty at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she taught a course in the Engaged Humanities Program centered on C. G. Jung’s Red Book. Evans also taught a section of Complimentary & Alternative Medicines in the Somatic Studies Program. Three Eagles is a Native American shaman, and shamanic practitioner within the depth psychology community. She taught Medicine-Wheel-Vision-Quest™ shamanism and Jungian Natural Magic™ through her company IAWHE, and has served as Editor on Academia.edu.

Professional memberships: RSA Renaissance Society of America; SMRP Society for Medieval & Renaissance Philosophy; ISNS International Society for Neoplatonic Studies; ASE Association for the Study of Esotericism; AMORC/TMO; APA Division 32 Humanistic Psychology; IAJS International Association for Jungian Studies; ITA International Transpersonal Association; AHP/ATP Association for Humanistic Psychology/Association for Transpersonal Psychology; ISMETA International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association; LACPA Los Angeles County Psychological Association.

Since 2002 Evans has presented papers and workshops at academic conferences and guest lectures, applying the literary and depth psychological critical theories of Archetype-Myth and Phenomenology-Hermeneutics. Her work revolves around: natural magic in Renaissance neoplatonism; and contemporary theory and practice of shamanism, esotericism, and depth psychologies. Presentations: “De magia naturali and Quincuplex Psalterium by Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples: Kabbalah as Biblical Magic” ACLA 2007 American Comparative Literature Association, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico; “Natural Magic: Imaginal Mythopoetics in De Magia naturali and The Red Book” Medieval & Renaissance Conference Barnard College 2012; “French Renaissance Philosophy: Pythagorean Philosophy or Cabala in Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples's De magia naturali” RSA 2014; “Medicine-Wheel-Vision-Quest™ : A Shamanic Revolution via Renaissance Humanists, C. G. Jung, and James Hillman” SHP 2015; “Practicing Medicine-Wheel-Vision-Quest™” Shamanism Workshop ITC 2017 Prague, Czech Republic; “Practicing Native American Medicine Wheel Multi-Culturally: Embodied Invocation, Visualization, and Ritual” ISMETA/Pacifica 2021 Virtual Conference; “Transcending Politics Through Practicing Transpersonal Medicine Wheel” APA 2021 Virtual Convention, Humanistic Psychology; “Chaco Canyon: Embodiment of Star Worshippers Through Time” Preconference Virtual Workshop SHP 2023; “The Transpersonal Experience of Soul Flight Through Time” Virtual for ‘Sapienza in Trance’ Sapienza University in Rome 2023.

Publications: “Practicing Medicine Wheel for Holistic Healing” in Holistic Treatment in Mental Health: A Handbook of Practitioners’ Perspectives (2020); entries in sections on Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous Religions, and Paganism The Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions: Faith and Culture across History (2018); photograph “Lockdown Self-Reflection” Mirrors of the Mind 10 LACPA (2021); poem “Spirit Guide to Third Falls” Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing (2016); “Shamanic Vision Quest: Native American Ritual, Depth Psychology, and Renaissance Natural Magic” NeuroQuantology Special Issue on Health, Healing & Consciousness (2016); “The Humanities Take a Walk Outside Time” The Soul Does Not Specialize: Revaluing the Humanities and the Polyvalent Imagination (2012); Climb the Sky: Love Poems to Spirit Academia.edu.

Basking in Your Presence Once Again (Photograph) 

“Basking in Your Presence Once Again” was photographed in our backyard, post-Lockdown. It is of our two cats—Luna & Ricky—she the indoor cat, he the outdoor cat. Ricky is strictly an outdoor cat because he is an unneutered neighborhood stray, who now eats meals at our backdoor and is the would-be-suitor of our indoor cat Luna. While she is the ultimate of pampered, Luna remains nocturnal by choice, and is often heard on the roof at night chasing rats. So that’s as tame as cats come. Nonetheless, neither of them liked the Covid-Lockdown years in the least, since they were stranded with just the four of us pet apes to entertain them for three years! Oh, Luna did have the opportunity to pose for you in the photo “Lockdown Self-Reflection” for Mirrors of the Mind 10. But now, Luna & Ricky are not only basking in each other’s presence, whether under sunlight or moonlight, they are enjoying all of the praise that innumerable apes visiting their home lavish upon them—hence, return to joy!


Pacifica Academia Profile


