Karen Harter

I am a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Newhall California. I work with adults and children utilizing talk as well as creative modalities (Sandplay, art and play therapy), that are all informed by a psychodynamic approach.

When I'm not working, being in nature is a highly restorative and passionate experience. My art reflects my relationship to nature and the meaningfulness of this relationship in which I feel so interconnected. Every photograph represents a window to my soul that I delight in sharing with others.

The Wisdom Tree on Living and Dying
(Photograph on Canvas 12"x16"x1.5") 

She was once a young sapling planted by a spontaneous act in nature. The Great Mother has nourished her well so that she grew to become an incredible habitat for birds, bees and critters of all types. She is rich with purpose and her trunk is filled with honey making her the Golden Girl amongst trees.

She may appear to be living in a robust fashion however she is also dying. Several large limbs have fallen to the ground and her bark is crusty and dry. A sunset surrounds her, a liminal space that speaks to her transition from a full and meaningful life to one of crumble, decay and a return to the earth. My heart aches at the thought of losing her. She teaches me valuable lessons that only a tree can.

I watch her downward changes daily while I also observe my own aging process. I am her. How incredible it would be to embrace one's dying journey with the beauty, strength and purpose she so openly reveals to us all. Hers is a life well lived.


