Marks-Tarlow Art
Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD

Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD

I am a clinical psychologist in private practice in Santa Monica since 1985 with a specialty in creative issues and deep transformation. I have written and edited more than ten books covering subjects of clinical intuition, interpersonal neurobiology, and nonlinear science, most of which I have illustrated myself. I am Adjunct Professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute and California Institute of Integral studies and teach regularly at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute and online with Embodied Philosophy. I run a clinical intuition study group for intellectual pioneers that’s thrived for more than 20 years. I live in Topanga amidst the oak trees and love staying close to the land. I dance ballet 5 days a week, have been a yogini for more than 40 years, and was a serious rock climber before having my two kids, now in their 20s. Shortly before the pandemic I inherited a piano from my niece and am slowly working my way through the Preludes & Fugues of Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier.

Green Footprint
(Colored Pencils on Paper, 11" High x 9" Wide) 

Mother Nature is hurting, and nearly everyone is feeling it! To me, along with more hurricanes and global weirding, the pandemic is another way She expresses her distress. There are too many people on the planet. Our global footprint is too large. Too many of us pillage, pollute, denude, and otherwise behave badly. We are soiling our own beds!

“Green Footprint” is a fractal drawing. Fractals are the language Mother Nature speaks when forming her beautiful and complex patterns from quantum to cosmic scales. Research shows that people attain calm, heal faster, and often experience awe when gazing upon fractals. I have recently constructed a conceptual framework, or epistemology, based on fractal patterning, which contrasts with the Western reductive framework in place since antiquity. A fractal epistemology is holistic, nonlinear, and highly interconnected, just like the Universe at large. If we could all honor how Nature creates fractal patterns around and through us, we might all treat the Earth with greater respect.


